What's in a name? JoElla's story

I find it fascinating that the number one business question to date is: Why JoElla? Not, what do you do, but why is your business called that? And, with no conscious rationale at the time, other than choosing a business name that meant something to me, my answering the question sums up my whole business philosophy; following passions and keeping it personal.We all have pivotal years. I'm lucky enough to have many, some horrible, some wonderful, but all there to make up who I ultimately am as a person today. 1995 was one of these years.I wasn't to know it at the time, but the year would result in life changing health issues, but started with the birth of my second half sibling Joseph. I remember meeting him, probably a day old, holding him and staring into what seemed a mirror image of me and felt the most overwhelming feeling of instant connection, protectiveness and, of course, love.Isabella, my first unexpected addition to my family, was born two months prior to my 21st. It was incredible to have this little sister enter my world, who I wanted to teach life to with not a mother's eye, but a big sister's. She was the joy and love of my life and, without her awareness, would soon be a savior in my life.By Christmas 1995, life was tough for me. I didn't want to go through the whole merriment, but did what was expected and went with my sister for our first stop, see Dad and our little sis and bro. And there she was, my little savior, then known as Bella, with so much excitement and unadulterated happiness for Christmas I was hooked and soon forgot about my problems. I look back at a photo of the three sisters cuddling and whilst I am smiling with joy, I can see how unhealthy I am, but for a few hours I forgot about it.So I come to naming my business 16 years later. I jot down cliche marketing tag lines, but nothing is connecting with me - they just don't sound 'right'. I then realised I was so focussed on what my marketplace 'may' be looking for that I forgot why I was starting this business in the first place - to follow my passions, tell my story and help others tell their's. When I changed my mindset, I knew the name had to mean something to me.And there it was. The name was there waiting for me. Two of my passions, who kept me going when things seemed too tough. So I dedicate my gratitude to Jo(seph) and (Isab)Ella with my future, my business, and whether they are aware as they were at a day and three year's old, they are with me on this exciting new journey.So what's in a business name? Yes, SEO is important. Keywords are important. Resonating with clients is important. But maybe being true to your personal story is more important. At least, it's resonating with my clients.Keeping it personalMegan


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