Email Marketing: 5 Ways to Ensure I Don't Read Your Message

Email marketing is a great tactic to have in your marketing tool belt. Not only is it a great way to stay in touch with your loyal customers, but allows you the opportunity to connect and build trust with prospects about your knowledge and fabulousness.

It's also cheap as chips, even if you pay for an emailing software platform. ROI (Return on Investment) statistics of $40 return for every $1 spent alone makes it worth the effort.

But just as with any marketing tool, businesses need to be savvy about what they (realistically) want to achieve.What is/will be your email marketing strategy?What do you want to achieve from your email marketing? I will assume it's not to annoy prospects to want to send you and your product into the online trash bin.

So how can you really bug me with your email marketing? Here's my Top 5 tips!

1. I don't remember signing up!Big Data is the marketing buzz word of the moment. Essentially it means we have access to consumer and consumer details via many sources - online, social media, etc. But access to Big Data doesn't mean you have permission to email me. Just because I gave you my business card, we sat together at a networking event or I connected with you on LinkedIn does not equate to me wanting to be added to your e-newsletters. In fact, it's poor manners and will lose any chance you had of me turning from prospect to client.2. What's your point?I mentioned above - you need to be strategic about why you are doing an email campaign. If it's just because marketers are telling you to, but you don't know what to say, then don't bother. If I get to the end of your email and am not clear what the purpose was you've wasted your opportunity to engage with me and I'm more likely to hit the unsubscribe button.3. Are you sure of your facts?Best to always stick with what you know. Don't try and be all areas of business as you are sure to mess up your information and potentially negate any good information you have provided on your area of expertise. "In my opinion" is always a safer bet with me as a reader.4. I haven't had time to read your last email.Timing is always a fine art. How often is the right time to email your customers? It really depends on your audience and the length of your emails. But remember you are fighting for space in my email inbox. If you email more than monthly, make sure it's an easy read or you may be more annoying than beneficial.5. Who are you again?I sign up to lots of businesses newsletters from a genuine interest factor. But it can be easy to forget what I signed up for (I admit to "Dory brain" with so many connections to remember). So make sure you have a clear byline (message) of who you are at the beginning of your newsletter - better still in your subject - so I remember who you are and why I signed up.

Email marketing should be fun for you as a marketing strategy.

You should enjoy sharing your news and goodwill information with your client-base. But it must be done with manners and purpose. Always remember your Ps and Qs and have the goal for me to be excited to see your email arrive in my inbox. Make sure your "Call to Action" is not for me to hit the delete or unsubscribe button.This article first appeared in Australian Businesswomen's Network on 2 November 2013.



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